Sanaa Ya – The Emotional Revolution

A word of mouth



“We are all artists of our own life and the movement is the key to create your master piece”

My breath is relaxed now because I’ve developed all the necessary tools to go with the flow of Life and still keeping my balance. I’m a woman “under construction” on and on, like a sand-timer.

Miss Claridad


If you’re a little bit like me then this trip goes something like this: You go in riddled with fear and anxiety, franticly searching for all that could possibly be wrong with you, only to then, after countless conundrums, doodles, and experiments, be ascertained that, as a matter of fact you are absolutely one hundred percent perfectly NORMAL. Expect food but not to be spoonfed! 

A Very Normal Person


Working with Esmeralda has been life-changing. It’s allowed me to break away from a myopic view of myself, heal, and she gave me the tools that have fundamentally made my life and being better. It’s been the best self-growth experience I have had and I am thankful eternally to her!

The Saviour of South Cliff


The experience was a great support for my life. It’s like walking tipsy along the line but with references which bring you back on track. You may still stumble but knowing that stress and anxiety are simply pointers  of what to look at makes the journey much easier. The techniques learned guide me successfully through my physical and mental pain.

Now, I’m stronger than ever!

The Bavarian Shaman


Esmeralda has helped me to look at life just like another rock-climb, with its anchors, scary overhangs, obstacles and aids and mostly, trust in myself, my partners in crime and the terrain I’m stepping foot on.

Kaleidoscope Eyes



