Sanaa Ya – The Emotional Revolution

A few words

About OuR Sensei

The body never lies. It is the anchor.
As we move externally so we do on the inside, and vice versa.

My Way
To Enjoy Life:

1981 – THE BIRTH:

Fear & Self – Resistance

That sensation that enveloped the labour room, I felt it before coming into this world. Resisting to say hello I began crying inside my mom’s womb. They pushed me out, but my body contracted and painful chronic constipation came as a result.

That’s the first rule I integrated: resisting and crying don’t work in the light of fear. You’ll end up doing it by force.

1992 – THE BLOOD:

Contradiction & Self – Blame

When my first period came, I wanted to celebrate my female superpower with everyone around but my family rushed me to get over it fast and in silence. My body gave me intense cramps and blackouts monthly, it didn’t like that contradiction. Naturally, I immediately learned how to escape the pain and fear as soon as possible! Words suffering and being a woman became synonymous in my world.


Anxiety & Self – Sabotage

Plans are being made for the life ahead of me. What do I want? To be married with a baby? Liberté and sex? I tried it all in search of happiness but nothing fulfilled me, so I replaced the “I want to…” with “I have to…” and I made many friends: stress, insomnia, tachycardia, impatience, unbridled consumerism, addictions…

I needed help, the pain was always present!


Detox & Self – Understanding

I was addicted to the escape adrenaline and swept my fears under the carpet. Facing them was a big step, it meant I would have to stop looking around and hiding from myself. A divorce and 3 years of psychotherapy made me look inside, clean, cry and reorganise My True Self. I stopped the game of not listening to my emotions. I held the space to hug myself and feel safe. I was alone on that road. I faced the truth.


Observation & Self – Listening

Opening my eyes to different ways to do life and expressing myself motivated me to step out of my comfort zone and move abroad. The biggest challenge for an introvert.

Having the listening tool in my luggage brought me the capacity to learn while enjoying the process of Self-Discovery.

I felt the healing as my body released aches. Fear now seemed only a reference signifying growth so I integrated it to move forward with confidence.

2020 – ROUND & ROUND:


A familiar sensation enveloped … this time the entire world!!

Fear was there, but I had the Awareness to transform it into growth now. I know it’s possible to take a different road and enjoy the game.

The pain has gone, it feels so different this time!! It’s like riding a roller coaster, adventurous, unknown, exciting, challenging…


Our Emotions are the signals to know where we are, they tell us if  ‘here’ is our place or if it’s time to move.

Our body shows us the direction to go, fear screams for attention with pain, discomfort and addictions, but love feels just good, like being welcomed at home with a big hug. 

I guide the journey.

I am the holder of the torch.

